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The Musicgoer: Two Tongues' Two Tongues

Two Tongues
*** (out of 5)

“I saw you standing there alone with your guitar / Like I was staring into the mirror, seeing the same sad scar.” If that lyric from “Tremors” is anything to go by, when Chris Conley from Saves the Day met Max Bemis from Say Anything, it was emo-love at first sight: the pair immediately joined forces on a side project called Two Tongues. And while there are occasional references to girlfriends in the songs they collaborated on, the most important relationship on the album is the one they share with each other.

I’m trying to avoid the idiotic word “bromance” here, or to snicker homophobically at two male friends who aren’t embarrassed to put their feelings on display, but it’s hard not to listen to them duet on “Wowee Zowee” (“Hey there boy, you’re beautiful / I told you so but you still don’t know / Will you shut me out? / I won’t let you go!”) and not picture them tenderly embracing like Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush in the video for “Don’t Give Up.” Anyhow, the production is crisp, Bemis’ yowl harmonizes nicely with Conley’s whine, and if the results aren’t quite transcendent, they at least feel satsifactorily cathartic.

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