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The encounter

Our first major hike of the year brought us to the Bonshaw Hills Provincial Park, one of our favourite places to explore. It was sunny but the air was cool requiring a jacket. Georgie, the golden grand-dog was with us again. She also loves these trails.

There were a few people at the park when we arrived at lunch time. Of course we had our picnic lunch with us and were hungry after a busy morning. The picnic area has solid wood furniture in a lovely setting and is well groomed.

As we approached our favourite picnic table, a red squirrel ran past us and around the spruce tree which shadows the table. Georgie, who was on lead, was ready to give chase but I held her tightly. As we settled in for lunch, her attention was riveted, watching the squirrel around the tree.

Then the little creature climbed up and sat among the limbs of the tree making sounds, as if to taunt or tease Georgie. 

You could imagine it saying, “Nanh, nanh, na nanh nanh. You can’t get me.”

I secured Georgie as we ate and she watched the taunting little creature. After a few minutes, the squirrel realized Georgie could not move around and she came down the tree again. She stopped a few feet from Georgie and they stared at each other.

Neither animal made a sound or moved a muscle for a number of minutes.

As we prepared to leave, squirrel ascended the tree again. We left a peanut for her. Later, when we checked, the peanut was gone. We left her another. Georgie had one also, though she ate the shell too.

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