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Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!

Does anybody else remember those lyrics from a song?  I have no idea what song it is, but the lyrics just popped into my head and won't go away.

First of all, I want to thank each one of you for your well wishes on my head.  I do still have a headache and the doctors office called me for a follow-up this morning.  They told me I may have one for days, weeks or even months.  Yuck.  Anyway, I will persevere.  It's not "quite" as bad as earlier in the week, but still annoying.  I thank each one of you for your concern.  It always amazes me how sweet my blog friends are.  Why does that surprise me?  You are all wonderful. 

I told you I would post a photo of the front yard so I just stepped outside and took a few photos.  There are more bushes and a tree to the right, but I would have had to stand in the street and didn't think that would be such a great idea based on my luck with injuries. Ha!
The left side of the house, gate andsidewalk.  I really like our curvy sidewalk, one of the young men from church put it in for us and he designed it to match the back patio and it's stamped with a pretty pattern you can't see because of the shade from the tree.

This was a tiny little lavender plant two years ago.  We got it from a small farm at the base of Mt. Spokane.  It smells divine and is about 40-48 inches across now.
I think I posted these pictures before but I'm not sure.  Alex took both of them at Riverfront Park when he was home last month and he put them on Facebook last night.  Isn't my Hubby handsome?
I don't care for the fact that these photos show just how "large" I am.  Oh my goodness, I have a lot of weight to lose but it is what it is and I can't hide from it now can I?
More roses from my garden that I cut this morning.
A different view.  I love these roses.
More progress on my gumdrop blanket.
Teresa is a friend from church who teaches 1st grade. Another teacher had the hat on top in this photo that she bought at World Market.  It's the one with the blue band on top.  Teresa loves this hat.  She also thinks I can knit and crochet anything.  Her confidence in me astounds me at times.  Anyway, she brought me the hat Sunday and I tried several different yarns before I found one of a similar size gauge, although it isn't the same fiber content.  The original hat is really stretched out too.  But the bottom one is the one I came up with.  She didn't care about the different color stripes, but wanted the design of knits and purls.
What do you think?  Well, I found it so absolutely comfortable I made one for myself today.
Mine looks pink but that is really purple, grey and black.  Yes, I made a winter hat in June.  It was such a quick knit, about 3 hours that I really enjoyed it for a quick finish.  Everything else I've been working on takes a lot longer so this was nice.
It looks small, but it covers over my ears and is machine washable.  I made both hats with Loops and Threads chunky Charisma yarn.

I hope all is going well with you all.  The weather has cooled down and is predicted to be unseasonably cold this weekend with rain.  I'm still planning to go sit in my trailer at the lake with my big bottle of Advil for my head.  Dennis really didn't want me out there by myself this week, so I've been entertaining myself at home from my recliner.  However, I'm really missing it out there, not to mention that we had planned to be there last Sunday so I have a lot of food in the refrigerator that is probably going into the trash now.

I hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend and will be enjoying the summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!

And something I think we all need to hear at times...

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1


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