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Crochet Snowflakes Ta-Da!

Good day my dear friends!  Thanks for stopping by for a visit today.  I just braved some very cold temps and East winds to take my freshly stiffened crocheted snowflakes out on the back deck to hang them on our little "rescue" Ponderosa Pine tree for some photos in natural light.  It was hard to get a good photo as they were swinging about and twirling just like real snowflakes in the wind.  :-)

 I then brought them inside and hung them on the tree and you know what?  They photograph much better on a Christmas tree, don't you think? :-D

The snowflake above is hanging in front of the hand-sewn bird ornament that was sent to me from England in the Swap we held in "We Love Lucy" group on Ravelry.  It was made by Anna in Kent, UK.
My favorite is the first one of the ones taken inside.  

I have been feeling a bit blue for the last few days.  It always seems like I get so carried away decorating, getting all the presents, hosting friends and family that I guess I expect too much.  Do you do that? 

Anyway, my dear sweet husband is doing something today that is just so sweet that it's making me smile.  For the last few Christmases, and I must add, birthdays and anniversaries, he's not made the effort to find me a surprise gift.  I usually found something, ordered it and received it before the event.  No wrapped gift.  That wasn't working for me.  :-)

So, today he "suited up" in warm clothes to go downtown (he hates going downtown!) and go to the Portland Saturday Market - it's a wonderful market of artists and craftsmen selling their wares - and the whole week before Christmas it's open for their "Festival of the Last-Minute" market.  It's outdoors, those poor people!!  It's usually cold, windy and oftentimes rainy!  It's held under a bridge on the waterfront of downtown Portland.  He also hates shopping with a passion!  He whimpered and mewled like a kitten before he left.  ::grin::

Christmas is back on for me! LOL

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're having a super happy holiday time.  

((Hugs)) Teresa

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