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Home Sweet Home

I have been doing some serious nesting lately.  I've just been letting my
whole house wrap it's walls around me and basking in it's ability to
make me feel safe, secure and cozy.

I love to travel, but when I am at home, I am a serious nester.

I can shut out the whole outside world and listen to the music I love,
 read favorite books and watch old movies.  

I've been going through old recipes.  Bringing back the joy of cooking and
adding some variety to the menu.  Yesterday afternoon I thought about
picking up a rotisserie chicken for dinner, but vetoed that idea because
I am getting sick of it.  Time to get creative in the kitchen again.

When Bentley is not napping, he is my official taste tester.  He is napping
right now as I am typing this.  Monday is always a big nap day for him
after all the excitement of the weekend.  He is so cute.  I just want to kiss
and hug and talk to him all day ~ and I do!

The weather was beautiful last week and now it is gray, super humid and
bugs everywhere.  See those light areas on the ginger?  Those are all
blossoms.  I will get out there and take some closeups tomorrow.  It's
just amazing how many there are!

I have to call the mosquito squad again.  We have lots of mosquitos and
millions of little no-serums and we get eaten alive the minute we step 
outside.  If you keep moving it's not so bad, but if you stand in one spot
for a minute or two you are left with a mass of welts.  I have to spray OFF
all over myself just to water the plants on the porch and terrace.  

We did find a mosquito catcher in the Frontgate catalog, so that will be
ordered.  I read good reviews about it, so I'll give it a try.  Anything to
be able to enjoy the terrace once in a while.  

It's a wonderful spot to be when the mosquitos are gone.

Well, that's all for today.  I have a long to~do list and I better get busy
if I want to get everything done before it's time to start dinner.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

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