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Garden glimpses.

We have been wishing for a small conservatory for a while.
At last it's here!
A place for us to sit, chat over coffee, watch the birds feeding and just enjoy the garden.

My big French terra cotta pots get filled up every Summer with geraniums. The white one is from cuttings we brought back with us.

Things are happening in the Greenhouse!

A Courgette (zucchini) flower.
Sadly the courgettes don't live up to the promise of the flowers.

Runner beans are starting and we have a picking for lunch most days.

I planted Clematis 'Dark Eyes' this year and she is showing promise of being rather lovely.

This Clematis gets bigger and better every year as it soars up the old apple tree.
As it was here when we bought the house, I have no idea which variety it is, but its pale lilac flowers make my heart sing.

That was just a quick look at my garden today.
It will soon be time to begin cutting things back, and preparing for Spring and Autumn bulbs.
Summer goes too quickly.

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