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2016 Vancouver Fashion Week and Me

Last Month I have attended to Vancouver Fashion Week. Fashion always brings me inspiration! Designers and fashion fanatics from all over the world   gathered in Vancouver March 14th through 20th for the Fall/Winter season of 2016 Vancouver Fashion week. Apparel aside, this season’s VFW was also putting the spotlight on local jewelers. During VFW you felt the whole look, from the hair to shoes and even the smell. From eco-friendly designs to avant-garde street wear and haute couture collections to contemporary leisurewear, Vancouver Fashion Week proved itself as the perfect platform for both established and emerging designers to debut their up-and-coming fall/winter collections. Fashion has always played an important role in my life and ever since I was a little girl I found it very important to dress in a certain way. Fashion to me is an opportunity to talk without having to say a word. The way I dress say a lot about my taste, what I like, in what mood I am and how I feel. I want my everyday outfits to be a reflection of the person I am but most importantly I want my clothes to support me to feel like myself.  I never want fashion to be anything but fun, happy and a way to express myself. I love feeling good about myself and how I look, and I strongly feel like these two go hand in hand. Style has nothing to do with the size of a person’s wallet. It’s all about how the person carries herself and what the person is able to communicate. 

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