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Tuesday Treasures and Other Things.....

Sister Luann and I had a good time doing  Tuesday together!

She drove over from Fort Worth and our first stop was to get her hair cut!
While my hair is fine and thin, my sister's is beautiful - thick and curly!
Yulisa worked her magic and Luann will be coming back as they work together
to get the style she is wanting.

We left there to do some thrifting and after we left the Texas Thrift Store on Beltline, we started looking for a place to eat lunch. 

Luann spied this Puerto Rican Cafe in the strip just down from the thrift store.
It was like an fun adventure!
They were playing Puerto Rican music and showing travel videos on a high mounted TV.
The menu was amazing but I wasn't sure what to order so - I called Sabrina!
I told her where we were and then handed the phone to the guy behind the counter and she ordered for us! Win! WIN!!!
We shared an order of ......TOSTONES.
Tostones (Spanish pronunciation: [tosˈtones], from the Spanish verb tostar which means "to toast"), Sliced green plantains are cut either length-wise or width-wise and are twice fried. The slices of plantains are fried for one to two minutes on each side until they are golden in color, and removed and patted for excess cooking oil.

And for dessert.......Guava Pastelitos.
Everything was delicious!!
Luann said this was the cheapest trip to Puerto Rico she will ever take!!
We both hope to actually visit there someday. We know the food will be good!

On to the Thrift Stores collecting our Tuesday Treasures!

These were a few of mine.

Since it was Tuesday and that traditionally means ART - I set it all out and painted!
I think this was only the second time I have painted here at home this entire year!

I loved the wooded sunflower I bought and decided to jazz it up a little.
I added some depth and detail and am very happy with the way it turned out!

I did a little work on my Western Santa while Louis Dean played the guitar and sang to me.
It was a perfect Tuesday!
All that was missing was a movie.....and I don't do those as much as I did when Ruth Ann and I where running around together.

Yesterday was August First!
September is getting closer and closer!

I changed my calendars and headed straight to the kitchen by way of the coffee pot!

Spiced Pumpkin Muffins have become a year round treat and I was making them that morning with a very special little girl in mind!

In the late afternoon I drove over to Dallas and met up with Summer and Amber and all the grands!

Rayne dearly loves my pumpkin muffins and I made an extra batch just for her!
Thing is - I got confused and left them at home and only arrived with the smaller tin full to share.
It was a glorious day to be at the pool.
I love the sights, sounds and smells!
Kids laughing, water splashing and oh, how I love the smell of suntan lotion!
Especially the Tropical Hawaiian kind.
Once I caught a whiff of THE most amazing scent and barely resisted going around and asking people what kind of lotion they had on.
But that would have been weird. Right?

I came home and finished the crib quilt for Cousin Joe's baby girl.

I floundered on this one.
Used the low loft and I should have used the high loft batting.
I will know which one to get next time. I have two more to make.

This will make a good play mat and later a picnic quilt.

All tied up and ready to gift!
They live in Waco now so I will deliver it later this month when we go down to the ranch for a few days.

Today (Thursday) was a stay at home day - my favorite kind!
I had my morning coffee all by myself as Louis Dean slept in......later than I did.
I flitted around doing a little housework and a little laundry and some sewing.

I made this pillow for Rayne!

My neighbor, Stephanie, came over and we did a sewing project together for her daughter's upcoming wedding. We sewed and visited and I was reminded of olden days when women sewing together was the norm. It was a comforting time - being together with Stephanie for an afternoon.
We have been neighbors for over 30 years. We have been through a lot together. We have history.
I love that.

This day just kept getting better and better!!!

Look who came to see me!!!

Rayne was here to collect her Pumpkin Muffins!

She is our little monkey!

I love to look at her!

She is a beautiful little girl inside and out!
Such a sweet kind heart.
She and Sabrina will be going home to Puerto Rico in just 10 short days.
Thank goodness for Marco Polo and pictures and videos.

Earlier this evening someone knocked on the door - we don't have a doorbell.
 I opened it and he said, "Sorry! I just read the sign! Goodnight, ma'am."

Trish (Deanie's daughter) made this for all of us at Christmas.
Thank you, Trish!! It works like a charm!!!

It's still early - not even 10:00 - and I am going to paint a few minutes before calling this day done.
Hope you had a good one!

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