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Tuesday 19th April

109/365: new burgundy leaves on the pieris

I slept for a good part of the day yesterday and still had a good night's sleep so, nothing ticked off the to-do list but at least I'm not as tired today! I've been testing regularly and every time it has been negative so it's not Covid, thankfully, but if the tiredness doesn't stop I'll have to speak to the doctor.

It's a nice mixture of fun and chores today. I'm seeing Joy this morning for a natter (and hopefully she has some spring things in her garden for me to photograph!) and on the way home will call in at the recycling yard to dispose of some rubbish from the garage. If I feel okay this afternoon I'll carry on with the sorting in the garage. There are loads of the small plant pots and trays that new plants are purchased/delivered in - I don't need to keep them and M doesn't want them so I'll ask the local school if they want them for their gardening club. Apart from that it'll just be more of the usual - Italian, piano, and reading. 

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