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Thankful Thursday - Let Freedom Ring!

As I reflect this morning on my many, many blessings, freedom, liberty and citizenship in this great country are first and foremost in my thoughts.  When I was a freshman in college at the University of Utah, I had an amazing history professon named Brigham D. Madsen.  I'm sure he has long since passed (he was old when I had him as a teacher) but I will always remember his lectures in American History 101.  There was quote he had that has always stuck with me.  I tried but couldn't find the original source, so I will paraphrase it as best I remember it.
"Living in a democracy is like being in a leaky rowboat with one oar - sometimes you are going around in circles and barely staying afloat --but at least it's your boat!"
I certainly don't agree with everything that goes on in this nation.  I think that sometimes we make poor choices when we elect our leaders and representatives and that those leaders and representatives make poor choices as they govern.  I believe that sometimes we, as a nation, try to do the right thing and it turns our wrong.  Sometimes there is injustice.  Sometimes we can't do what we thought we could, or things are out of human control, or we just plan do the wrong thing.  Still, I remain an optimist and a patriot and truly believe that America is a chosen and very special nation and that it is the best place in the world to live.  I am proud of this nation, it's incredible history and what it represents to so many in this world.  I am grateful for those who laid everything on the line, 237 years ago to found a new nation, which as Abraham Lincoln later said was, "conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."  I believe that those early founders believed that they were being guided by the hand of God as they embarked on a bold experiment in freedom and self-government, and I believe that our history has shown that they were.
So today, as I consider my many blessings,  living in the USA is right there at the top of my list.
Other things I am grateful for this Thankful Thursday include:
  • Time with family!  We are enjoying a visit from my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren this week.
  • Beautiful mountains to hike in.
  • National Parks - America's treasures!
  • Grandchildren!
  • Children who are good and admirable people, making many good choices in life.
  • A loving and supportive husband.
  • Rain and cooler temperatures (OK, I may not have spent this entire week in Phoenix!)
  • Opportunities to work and learn.
  • First responders, who put their lives on the line for our safety every single day - and God bless and be with the families of the 19 Arizona firefighters who lost their lives last week.
  • All the many freedoms I enjoy - speech, religion and association are three big ones that come to mind.
Happy July 4th!  Be sure to take a few minutes out of the fun times today to be thankful!
(Pictures to come eventually - I am still dealing with some technical glitches here).

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