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Saturday Nothings

It was 96F by Tommy's car thermometer. It really was hot out. When I bought tomatoes and greens, I let them ride up front between my feet. It seemed still too hot in the back seat.

When I asked Tommy about any Farmer's Markets, he said there was one right near his house or at lest on the path to other places. He showed me too late, so I did not get to see it. Besides, it was closed. Next time I saw it, we had other things on our minds. THEN, when I saw "oranges and bananas" listed along with fruits grown locally, I knew it was not the market for me. We go to Cullman about once a week for whatever, so I will still buy there.

I cancelled my colonoscopy in Cullman that would have been around 12 noon. When I scheduled it for Birmingham, the time to show up was 6:30 am. Boy, did I make a mistake! I hate to change it back but for another date in Cullman, but I am tempted.

At a place I frequent and spend money, they were giving tshirts with their advertisement. I asked for one, then dared to ask for one for Tommy. She gave me two tshirts and one for Tommy because, "I just want them off my shelves." . New clothes for free! We wear anything like this in yard or house. Besides, I need a new shirt for using when I color my hair.

I heated the rotisserie chicken from the foodbank for use to eat tonight. Salad with it was perfect.

I have had a huge package of frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts that I bought on sale last spring in the refrigerator, thawing. These are some I bought, knowing they would not fit in my freezer and sent home with Tommy to keep until I had room. I was just to the point I was going to have him bring them to me. Luckily, they were still here instead of at my house. Hopefully, they will be thawed by Sunday night.

Since all this happened, I am having to gather clothes for all occasions. I passed a rack with leopard print knit skirts, found my size, found it had been reduced to $7 and paid $5 for it. YAY! I rarely wore the one I had, but really wanted another. It's a size too large...sigh...so I can get the smaller size if it is still on the rack after the markdown. If not, I will just cinch in the waist a bit. Actually, it does not fit like it is too big, but I can feel the waistband moving.

I suppose if I have to buy clothes, this is the best time of the year for a sale. I buy anything I need for the next winter in the spring since I cannot stand 3/4 or long sleeves.
at one store, the clerk was nice enough to get me a chair and bring clothes to me. I will probably never get that lucky again.

Well, it is bedtime according to Tommy, so I will get out of his way.

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