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....this week of...

...happiness swimming in the village pool, harvesting 9lb of blackcurrants from one bush, a family film night, finding caraway seeds in my garden, rain, bird watching with the children

...sadness at the continued loss of life in the world

...creatingproject off the needles, another cast on, strawberry peg people, blackcurrant pie

 ...reading finished The Year of the Flood and now reading the last book in the trilogy MaddAddam by the wonderful Margaret Atwood one of my favourite authors, to the children The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, and these picture books* you can read a short review of them here, 183. Don't Spill the Milk by Stephen Davies, 184. The Goggle-Eyed Goats by Stephen Davies, 185. Oso en un cuadrado by Stella Blackstone, 186. The Enormous Turnip retold by Cristiana Cerretti, 187. Owl goes to Town by Jenny Brown, 188. Beauty and the Beast retold by Michael Dahl, 189. Abigail by Catherine Rayner, 190. The Mermaid's Treasure Hunt by Dereen Taylor

...learning about buoyancy, gases, sonar, warriors

...thinking about fun things to do in August

...hoping to have time to do some sewing soon

...wondering whether I am going to enjoy being in the company of a few thousand people at the end of this week

...looking forward to catching up with a friend I haven't seen for ages at their birthday party


I hope you have had a lovely week too......................enjoy the one to come!

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