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Keep In Touch #44

Hello, Friends. 
Welcome to Keep In Touch. Oops, I'm early. 
Last week I shared my dining room for Thanksgiving

I also shared a much needed clean up in the green house.

We went out to the lake to get some rest and relaxation. Bill wanted to try out the new depth finder on his boat. It was gorgeous out there.

My shoulder felt great on Saturday morning so Dixie and I went for a walk.

The weather and leaves were gorgeous.

We went on the boat later.

East Texas is gorgeous and fun. 

Our feature this week is from Snap at Tales From Twisty Lane. 
I couldn't figure out how to save one of her pictures for you but go check out her photography.

I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with regard to my pain.
As you may remember, I injured myself in June. I've tried all kinds of stuff since then and found mild relief only to re-injure things. The last batch of manipulation, taping and therapy has been brought relief. All that being said, long hours on the computer exacerbates the problems.
Yes, I said problems. I'm trying to get around to all the posts but I don't always comment.
Please know that I appreciate all of you.
Have a great week and thanks for linking up.

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