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Fun Like a PARTY!!!!

We have been done here in the Houston area with Amber and Mike the last few days and it has been a blast!!

I know he doesn't LOOK like he's having fun! We arrived Saturday morning after leaving at 4:30 AM! I napped all the way down and since we were in his big Dodge Ram 350 Diesel truck......HE did all the driving. So he had to nap as soon as we got here!

Mike's parents had arrived on Thursday so Amber and his mom had already been at work on some kitchen curtains. They are made from painters drop cloths and were EXACTLY the fabric Amber had tried to find by the yard.

These drop cloths were much LESS expensive!

I joined in the group effort and on Party Day we finished them right up!

That's my grand dog, Shiner, checking out things through the window.

Many hands made light work!
Mike set out the wine bar....

The dogs were kenneled so we could do the patio area.
Mike and his dad strung up lights and decorations......

I took this picture looking in through the window.
Everything just looked so PRETTY!!

Lit the candles.......

......plugged in the lights!

We took the opportunity to take a family pic before the guests arrived.
What part of 'Turn around and smile' did Louis Dean not understand??

STILL not getting it!!!

There you GO!!! He DID it!!

Now he can sit and look pretty!

I love Amber and Mike's parties. They hosted over 30 people of all ages......friends, co workers, family members, neighbors. Everyone had SUCH a good time. The food was amazing! Ham, mashed potatoes, broccoli - rice casserole (thanks, Carla!) green bean casserole, dinner rolls, red velvet cake.....and on and on!! Delicious!!!

I KNOW the party was a huge success because it was after midnight when the first guest left! Everyone but family was gone by 2 and we were all in bed by 3 am!

Sunday was spent basking in the glow of Saturday night!
We sat around watching the new Jeff Dunham DVD, movies and football.
Houston is not often cool enough for a fireplace but this weekend was perfect for one.

I love it when something you have been looking forward comes to pass and it is just as wonderful as you imagined it would be.
That's how it is when we visit here with Mike and Amber.

We will head home tomorrow. The good thing is all my decorating is done. I left the house clean. Except for the millions of leaves we will need to blow and sack and/or mow.....there are no big jobs left for this month. All that remains to be done is some baking and entertaining. The FUN things!!

I AM wondering about stopping at the Collin Street Bakery on our way home, though.

Remember that Apricot Pie???

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