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Frugal Friday

Welcome to Friday! 

Quote of the Week

$3.81 for lunch may sound like a great deal, but the truth is, despite those ever-rising grocery bills, people who choose to brown-bag a sandwich, piece of fruit, and carrot sticks or a serving of chips, are always going to spend less than the folks who buy their lunch at a restaurant, school cafeteria or fast-food joint. ~ Len Penzo

My Frugal Week

The secretary of the high school texted me this week to ask if I was subbing this year as she was creating the sub list for this school year. Unfortunately, I had to tell her I would not start out this year subbing as I cannot drive with my eyesight. I told her I was having surgery soon and would let her know when that changed.

How long does it take a honeydew melon to ripen? I finally wrote the date on this one to see how long it would take to ripen. When I bought this one I bought two of them and I finally cut the other one open to see how it tasted. It had no flavor, so I am placing this other one in a paper bag to see if it will ripen anymore. I am thinking it was picked too soon and won't ripen anymore like strawberries do when picked too soon. 

I love that Aldi is giving us paper bags now when we get a grocery pickup. There are so many uses for them. 

Speaking of grocery pick ups, Ramit Sethi had a poll last week on Twitter. He wanted to know what is one thing you used to resist spending money on, but now you love spending on it. He said one of the most common answers was grocery delivery. I won’t say that I love paying for it, but I do love the convenience  of it. 

I went through my reading list here on Blogger and using the manage button, caught up on reading some blogs, kept some old blogs that are no longer posting, but are still a great resource. 

On Saturday afternoon we picked up a grocery order at Walmart. It wasn’t a full grocery order, but will help get us through until we do have one sometime in August. 

On Tuesday I listed a couple of things on eBay to sell. 

Earning Money

This week I received a survey from Consumer Opinion Institute and earned $5.00 for filling out and returning their survey. 

Saving Money In My Frugal Kitchen

On Friday morning I made myself a green smoothie. I keep some smoothie ingredients on my freezer door, such as Amla, flax and chia seeds, and black sesame seeds, so as I was adding them to my smoothie I found a package of cheese hot dogs I had forgotten about. Score! I used them for dinner on Friday night. 

My butter wrappers, saved from a stick of butter, stored in a baggie in my fridge for when I need to grease a pan. 

Meals This Week

Friday: Nathan’s Cheese Dogs, Rice Pilaf, Sunflower Salad

Saturday: Tuna Salad Sandwiches because I was exhausted from Yard Sale Saturday. 

Sunday: Hawaiian Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Vegetable. 

Monday: Sliced Pork, Scalloped Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables. The scalloped potatoes were a big hit probably because it's been so long since I made them. I was only using 1.5 pounds of potatoes, so I used my small Pioneer Woman casserole dish and they fit perfectly. The recipe is listed below if you're interested. 

Tuesday: Grilled Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, Baked Potato

Wednesday: Nathan's Hotdogs, Carrots, Mashed Potatoes 

Thursday: Tuna Salad, Pasta Salad, Asian Salad, Orange Iced Tea

Recipe of The Week:

Cheese Scalloped Potatoes
1.5 pounds potatoes, thinly sliced
1/4 cup butter 
1 teaspoon garlic, minced
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 cup cheese, shredded

Spray an 8x8 pan with non-stick spray. 
Preheat the oven to 350°F. 
Spread sliced potatoes evenly in the pan. 
Melt the butter over medium heat. 
Add garlic and cook for one minute. 
Whisk in flour until a paste forms. 
Add milk, salt and pepper and cook until thickened. 
Remove from heat and stir in cheese. 
Pour sauce over sliced potatoes.
Sprinkle with extra cheese if desired. 
Bake at 350 °F for 45 minutes or until potatoes are tender.

Saving on Entertainment

Every now and then I go onto TikTok and entertain myself for free. There are some great cooking videos on there and I usually find a song or two to add to my song list on YouTube. 

Here is an oldie, but a goodie, Manic Monday by the Bangles. 

What I've been Reading This Week

Len Penzo has posted his 
13th Annual Cost Survey of 10 Popular Brown Bag Sandwiches. It's an annual post that many of his readers look forward to each year including me. I hope you enjoy it. 

That is all the frugal news from here this week, How was your week?

~ Living within our Means ~
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