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Creamy Vegetable Spread

Cheap Eat Challenge, Part 2: Watch as our family of 6 eats on less than $10/day.

So you've got your sourdough bread, right? Now all you need is something to slather upon it.

And what better thing to slather upon it as summer's vegetables start to get uglier and smaller (mine always do at this time of year) and as your children venture into classrooms filled with other children and the diseases they all share, than a slightly unattractive, but so delicious you will lick out the blender (yes, you will) vegetable spread. (What run-on sentence?)

The mother of this recipe came to me in my inbox when I signed up for greensmoothiegirl's newsletter. If nothing else, signing up was worth it for that recipe, though it's a wonder I tried it at all. Because it seems kind of--I hesitate to use the word gross here--but odd, definitely odd. Yet at the time, I had the garden-ish odds and ends that made such a recipe practical and even attractive (a teeny little eggplant, an ugly tomato, a pepper no one wanted to eat, 1/2 onion--you know--that sort of thing).

I made it. I ate it. I licked the plate. And then I licked the blender. And then I was sad when it was all gone. I couldn't wait for more ugly vegetables to appear.

And the great thing about ugly vegetables is that they always do.

Speaking of ugly vegetables, this is going to give you a about 1 1/2- 2 C per serving. Roasted and pureed vegetables, how I love thee, let me count the ways. Next time I'm going to throw in a can of chick peas and some tahini and see how my vegetable hummus comes out. If it's any good you'll be the first to know.

Creamy Vegetable Spread
adapted from greensmoothiegirl
makes enough for 2 generously spread open-faced sandwiches
Prep time: 5 minutes at start and 5 minutes at finish
Cook time: 45 minutes
Cost: I'm going to have to say I have no idea. I haven't bought these vegetables all summer. I've gotten a CSA, but that doesn't help me to tell you how much this specific food will cost. I'd wager it's about 2 bucks if you get your vegetables at decent prices.

1 small eggplant or 1/2 large eggplant
1 tomato, seeded (though you don't have to be neurotic about it, just scrape out what comes easily)
1 red pepper (mine was the saddest wiltiest thing you've ever seen; didn't matter)
1 small onion or 1/2 large onion
1 clove garlic
2 Tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper for sprinkling

Heat oven to 400 degrees while you chop.

Chop vegetables into similarly sized bits and put onto a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and toss to coat. Sprinkle generously with salt. Sprinkle with pepper.

Roast for 45 minutes or until soft and just starting to brown at the tips.

Let sit for a minute to cool. Then throw it all in the blender and blend. You can leave it chunky or get it nice and smooth. Seriously, you'll be surprised how good it is.

I like it spread warm and thick on sourdough. Sometimes I butter my sourdough first. Sometimes it's nice with a little cheese on the sourdough also. I'm betting it's be great with pasta or gnocchi (oh, yeah, that'd be good) or even as a cracker or vegetable dip.


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