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City folk vs country folk...

It is becoming clearer and clearer as to how people think and vote by noticing where they live: city dwellers are quite dependent on others around them, while country folk still maintain a fierce independence of spirit.

Just look at all of these sob stories coming out of the storm ravaged areas of New Jersey and New York: no power even after 15 days.  No information about when they can expect power, just busy signals.  Gas lines that test even the patience of Job.  These city dwellers are so dependent on government provided infrastructure that they are completely and totally helpless when the government systems fail them.

And all government systems will fail when put to extreme stress.  They are not set up to respond, other than to usher a politician to the stump, hand them a bullhorn and let them announce that things are under control, and that just a little patience on every one's part will be appreciated.  Then the politician leaves after taking bows for 'fixing things.'  But nothing got fixed, absolutely nothing.

The city dwellers are scratching their heads, wondering why they are still without power, water, gas, food and clothes.  Wasn't their vote to elect people who promised to heal any wound, fix anything broken and dry every tear worth anything?  Where are those helpful Democrat politicians now? 

You would think that these city folks who trusted the government to provide all of their security, to include heat, water and power would learn: the government is not good at anything other than national defense: building tanks for three times what they should cost under private efforts, and then shipping tanks to foreign shores for three times what private shipment costs, and providing the tanks with top of the line ammunition (again, for three times what it should cost), and letting them do what they do - smash, break and blow up things, until the bad guys can't threaten us.  That's what government does very well.  How does that skill translate into peace time efficiency? 

It doesn't.  And yet these numb nut city folk vote Democrats into office time and again who promise government solutions to every problem under the sun, but when push comes to shove are nowhere to be seen when it comes time to put up or shut up.

Now they are reaping what they sow: misery, and broken promises from liberal politicians who couldn't help in any disaster under any circumstance.  You city folk deserve what you voted for: widespread misery. 

Now all we hear is these miserable people wanting someone, anyone to come to their aid.  The only ones able to help them are country folk, frankly. The smart folk who choose not to build their houses on the beach, where the ocean will eventually wipe them out, and that fact is inarguable.  The people who can help the helpless city folks are the ones with the common sense not to trust the government to provide them with the basic necessities of life.  The country folk noticed who all of those stricken city folk voted for (Barack Hussein Obama), and are not really inclined to assist people who seek to enslave them.

This storm that ravaged New York and New Jersey shorelines was imminent: it already happened to about the same level of destruction in 1944.  And again in 2012.  And again in (fill in the blank, nobody really knows when, but a year will eventually be filled in this blank).  And as sure as the sun comes up in the east, city folk will clear away the debris in time, and rebuild on these disastrous yet for whatever reason, coveted waterfront lands.  When that blank, unknown year comes along, with yet another monster storm surge, these future waterfront property owning city folk will be devastated, and will be crying for help from the government, who probably subsidized the rebuilding effort on these dangerous lands. 

You city folk are now on your own.  Let the government, with whom you entrusted your lives, come help you. 

Maybe you will learn something from all of this.  But I wouldn't hold my breath counting on any learning going on with these city folk.  From what I can see, they are all dumber than a bag of hammers. 

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