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Challenge Update - October

My 2013 challenges are:-

1) Watch one old film each month.

2) List five items on Ebay each month.

3) Have a date night with Mick each month.

I watched one film in which Vivien Leigh won an Academy Award earlier on in the year. I love Gone With The Wind, a wonderful film, but I'd never seen the film in which she won her second Best Actress Oscar, A Streetcar Named Desire, so I chose this as my film to watch for October. I didn't know anything about the story so didn't know what to expect at all, and I have to say that the film didn't pan out at all as I was expecting. When visiting her sister in New Orleans, Vivien Leigh's character is told to "Take a streetcar named Desire and transfer to one called Cemeteries", a good outline of the plot. Three of the four main actors received academy awards for their performances, which isn't surprising as the acting is fabulous. It's just a shame that Marlon Brando missed out on the Best Actor Oscar for which he was nominated as, in my opinion, he gave a wonderful and very believable performance. I enjoyed this film and will definitely watch it again.

Listing on Ebay is ongoing, I'm still managing five items each month, and most of them are selling. I have a few things which haven't sold but I find that most have sold when they've been relisted. I'm hoping that I won't be left with many of the sixty items I'll have listed over the course of the year when this challenge ends.

Mick and I went for a pub meal for our date night. The pub we went to is one we used to visit quite often, but haven't been to for a number of years now. We bumped in to our old neighbours there from the house we used to live in twenty years ago. We'd never seen them since we moved so it was nice to catch up and hear all their news.

It feels as though my washing machine has been going constantly this weekend as Daniel has come home from university bringing his washing with him. I've stood and ironed it all this morning so it's all ready for him to take back with him later on today. It's time to start all over again now with our washing which has had to wait while Daniel's got done. I hope you've all had a more relaxing weekend than I have.

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