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Blog THIS, Pal - The Networking/Convention/Panel Roadshow!

Right now, even though I'm freelancing and still seeking work (more on that in another post), I am glad to see that, on the networking/social site, I'm beginning to develop a bit of a schedule. So if you're in the Chicago area between now and May-ish, here are some suggested events where you might be able to catch a glimpse of me.

(And don't be afraid to say "hello")
  • This Sunday, March 16th, I will be attending Almost Pi(e) Day 2014, an event put on by the Chicago Nerd Social Club. (Note: I'm a board member). Whether you enjoy mathematics or baked goods, I think you'll find this a really great event. Details (including RSVP information) at this link.
  • On Saturday, March 23rd, I'll be attending Day One of the two-day Dan Con, put on by pal Decapitated Dan. Mostly, I'll be apologizing to Dan and begging his forgiveness for missing Dan Con 2013.  So in other words...if you want to see me grovel, please be sure not to miss Dan Con this year!
  • On Thursday, April 10th (and every second Thursday of the month until November), I'll be running the Chicago Geek Breakfast, a very informal/no pressure hangout/networking/get-to-know-you event. If you would like to RSVP, please check out the Eventbrite page for details
  • On Friday, April 26th/Saturday, April 27th, I will be hanging out around the Comic Related table at C2E2. (Thankfully, I have a press pass). I'll also be attending two panels run by pal Michi of CNSC and Geek Melange, so I'll be making my way throughout the event. Of course, I won't be there on Sunday, because....
  • On Sunday, April 28th, I'll be running the "Publishing New Pulp" panel at Windy City Pulp & Paper, where I'll be meeting with three writer/publishers whom I greatly admire....and fellow Zone 4 co-host Captain Ron (and yes, I'm kidding). If you're into the pulp fiction, you'll want to attend (and I'm hoping to pick up Altus Press' Inspector Allhoff 
  • Activities around the Chicago Doctor Who Meetup Group will definitely be picking up, since I have many plans in the works. Be sure to click and check out the site for details in the next few weeks, and finally....
  • Just found out that I am fortunate enough to sit on a panel at Joss Whedon: A Celebration happening at DePaul University (my alma mater), on Saturday, May 5th. Clicking on the link will take you to a Facebook evite with further details; once I know more, I'll share them via the blog.
So although I will be blogging more, you can be rest assured that any prolonged absence isn't due to being too busy....it's due to actually enjoying the spring.

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