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Allotment Garden Plot 2018

I cannot remember the last time I wrote about the allotment garden plot, but the last two weekends, we have been working hard in it, taking advantage of the long Bank Holiday and the sunshine.

So much has changed in the garden since we got it - click here if you want to see how it was when we first got it.
The ground has been thoroughly cleared of weeds, except for the grass tangled amongst these chives.   The bees will love the chive flower heads when they bloom.  We have already seen a few bees in the garden dipping and diving into the apple blossom and broad bean flowers, which are the only vegetable plant that has gone into the ground so far. 
D moved the been climbing frame trellis to a new part of the allotment garden plot in readiness to receive some climbing green, purple and yellow beans soon.  In the space in front of it, he will also make me a some climbing wigwams or tee pees to accommodate more climbing beans. 
 Looking through the apple tree branches, you can see some raspberry canes. 

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