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A Precious Keepsake

Hi everyone!  I literally just published a post to link to Vee's Note Card Party a few minutes ago; and I hate to publish another post right away, but please bear with me.

My husband is on vacation until the end of the year, and you know how I've been talking about cleaning out and de-cluttering for weeks now.  Well, Mr. Forest Manor is in our basement room going through old boxes and papers and doing lots of shredding.  He just came upstairs with an odd little smile on his face, and I asked what was wrong.  He simply handed me this piece of paper with our son's writing on it.  I just had to share with you.

Notice the spelling of "to" Lego systems instead of "two."  He's a much better speller now.  :)  I don't think he'd appreciate me putting this out there for the world to see, but I just love it and I'm so glad my hubby found it.  He said it was in a stack of papers.  I'm sure I put it there intending to save it, and it just never got moved to a safer storage place.

This letter made me laugh and cry at the same time.  That precious little boy is all grown up now, but every now and then, especially at this time of year, we get a glimpse of the sweet child that he was. 

Wishing you Merry and Bright!



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