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90 to 60, Then Rain! Independence Days Challenge

90 to 60, Then Rain!
I woke up to a steady drizzle this morning. It was nice and cool today, 62. Sure beats the traditional very hot weather in the summer. Back in the 90's by Sat...

Independence Days Challenge
1. Plant Something- Replanted basil and lemon cukes, as bugs had eaten them. Into pots this time!

2. Harvest Something- Herbs, compost.

3. Preserve/Store Something- Bought some meat and veggies on sale and froze them.

4. Manage Reserves- Get a Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- Bought some meat and veggies on sale and froze them. I'm rotating various dried good out to use, including some boxed mixes. I also went thru my baking supplies to stock up. Re-supplying my baking goods stash, bought 20 lbs. sugar, need a few more things. I'm trying to bake more from scratch every day or 2, and will start adding some things to the freeze, just thaw and eat. I see an apple pie ahead!

5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipe-  I've been deep cleaning the freezer and pantry, working on some of that. Today I made Carolyn's  Krazoacres Cornbread, very yummy! I used a little butter and honey on top. Excellent with my spicy chicken and salad. I used leftover ham with a Zatarain's Dirty Rice boxed mix, added red beans, fresh herbs. I made homemade, scratch buttermilk biscuits, very flaky and good! Served with green salad and homemade ranch dressing-

 6. Build Community Food Systems- Not yet. I need to hit the farmer's market soon. No eggs for now. Can't wait til the 4 new girls start laying!

7. Recycle/Re-Use- Used a lot of scrap stuff to separate new pullet chicks from hens. We created quite the play area :)  I found some canvas drawers that were brand new, and fit my existing white cubbies. I had the 3 navy blue ones, the rest were $3.00 at Goodwill. Much less messy looking now!

8. Skill Up- Read up on chick integration to flocks, since it's been a while.

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Replanted part of flower bed, after removing sick shrub-

  Happy Summer!

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