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Thank you! It's show time...

Here we are in sunny, fabulous Los Angeles. Who woulda thought?

Nora says thanks. She feels like she's been carried along on all of your shoulders these past couple of weeks, and she's truly grateful. All of you who've been gracious enough to feature Nora on your blogs, Facebook pages and Twitter streams have been truly wonderful. And everyone who voted, or asked other to people to vote, thank you! If there's anyone I forgot to link to, I apologize. You've all been wonderful, and it's been a great experience.

L.A. is pretty charming, actually, and we've been having a great time. Nora was briefly menaced by a giant prehistoric sloth, but she eventually charmed him into a hug. We got to spend time with my friend Bawb the Revelator and ate dinner at Jitlada on Sunset Boulevard, the best Thai food I've ever eaten.

Weekend of Horrors
starts at 2 pm today. Nora has to be there by noon to get her spooky marching orders. Nothing to do now but sit back and enjoy the show !

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