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quick-and-dirty note to self

I thought I had slapped up a link to my friend Steve's "quick and dirty" notes on PoMo, a.k.a. postmodernism, but I guess I hadn't after all these years. I've found Steve's writeup to be the clearest and most useful summary of PoMo I've ever read. Agree with PoMo or not (longtime readers know I don't, although I think PoMo has its place—as one perspective among many—within the narrow confines of art and literary criticism), but it helps to have a simple breakdown of PoMo as a philosophy, an artistic style, and a historical period.

Here's that Google Docs link.

And here are some keywords:
Stephen doCarmo, Dr. d, Dr. doCarmo, quick and dirty, notes, PoMo, postmodernism

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