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NEGRO ROMANCE "Possessed" Part 1

It's said that Love is blind.
In comics, at least, it's also color-blind.
When Black or other ethnic characters appeared in titles published in the Golden Age of Comics (1940s-50s), they were usually stereotypes common to movies and radio shows of the period.
There were a couple of notable exceptions.
One was All-Negro Comics, a comic created and produced by a Black publishing house, which, ended up being a one-shot title.  (There's a fascinating article about it HERE.)
The other was a romance comic...Negro Romance, published by Fawcett Comics (Captain Marvel, Hopalong Cassidy) and Charlton Comics.
We'll go into the history of the book later.
Right now, let's look at love...
"Interesting", indeed!
Is Gloria's world about to crumble around her?
If so, what is she going to do about it...and to whom?
And what about the history behind the all-but forgotten Negro Romance comic?
To find out, you'll have to be here...Tomorrow!
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