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Couple of Random Figs and lots of cutting out

It's been a stormy day here and I've spent the last couple of hours cutting out floor plans for an Egyptian pyramid, bought from Drive Thru RPG at the suggestion of Michael Awdry. Very nice and only a couple of bucks in the sale. A trip to the art shop today and I bought some mounting boards in the sale at only a couple of quid each. So I've spent the last couple of hours cutting them out whilst watching the BBC original of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" with every decent British actor from the 1970' and 80' - great stuff. Will post them tomorrow or Saturday once the glue has set and I've cut them out.
Beautifully hot yesterday and as I was waiting for it to get cool enough to go to bed I painted a couple of figures, my first Landsknecht and a ninja. The former is OK but I'm really pleased with the ninja, the tricky blak shading and highlighting has worked beautifully.

Right back to George Smiley and glueing

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