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Dan Savage Trashes Trump Supporters to Maher: ‘Racist White Dumb-F*cks’

Source: www.mediaite.com - Sunday, January 27, 2019
Far left author and activist Dan Savage took a hard shot at Donald Trump supporters this weekend when he dubbed them “Racist white dumb-fucks” on the set of Real Time with Bill Maher . On this week’s edition of the HBO series, Savage told host Bill Maher that Republicans are “good at demagoguery, they’re good at racism, they’re good at stoking fear, all the stuff.” “Everybody’s like ‘Oh it’s economic anxiety, oh, it’s the working class, all those first reactions to Trump’s,” Savage said, but added “All the research, all the social science research and data since have proven that it’s racist white dumbfucks in our anti-democratic system.” “We have a federal government that is weighted toward acreage and not human beings,” Savage continued. “So we have we have Republican states with two senators that have 11 people living in them, and two senators from California.” Savage also pointed out that Trump is “more and more popular with Republicans, but there are fewer and fewer and Republicans now than there were two years ago.” “And the media treats them like they are half of the country, and they’re just not, and they’re a dying breed in terms of millennials,” senior Demos fellow Heather McGhee added. “They controlled all the government up until two months ago,” Maher said. “They did, but I have two words for you voter: suppression and gerrymandering,” McGhee responded. “They cheat, that’s true,” Maher conceded. “And the electoral col
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