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Math Brain Teaser : The Length of the Train

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT

Braingle's Daily Brain Teaser for Jun 13, 2021

Al and Ben are standing back to back next to a railroad track. When the front of a train passes them, Al starts to walk in the opposite direction of the train, while Ben starts to walk in the same direction as the train. Each stops walking when the back of the train passes him. If the two of them walk at the same speed, and Al walks exactly 30 feet, and Ben walks exactly 45 feet, how long is the train?

Check Braingle.com for the answer.

Trivia Quiz: The Dick Van Dyke Show

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT

Braingle's Daily Trivia Quiz for Jun 13, 2021

A Television > Comedy Quiz : Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore starred as Rob and Laura Petrie in this 1960's classic TV series. Real life situations fueled the comedy as we visited each week with Rob and Laura's friends, neighbors, and the staff of "The Alan Brady Show".

1. Rob and Laura Petrie lived in which suburban neighborhood outside of New York City?
2. Prior to his television career, Dick Van Dyke won acclaim on Broadway starring in this show. What was this popular musical from the early 1960's?
3. The creator of "The Dick Van Dyke Show" often wrote and directed episodes of the series. Can you name the man who also brilliantly portrayed egotistical TV star Alan Brady?
4. Ritchie Petrie charmed everyone as the only son of Rob and Laura Petrie. What was Ritchie's very unusual and embarrassing middle name?
5. One of the best things about this series was the supporting cast of players. Which veteran comic was known as wisecracking funny man Buddy Sorrell, co-writer of fictional "The Alan Brady Show"?
6. Unmarried Sally Rogers often made fun of her milquetoast boyfriend. What was the name of this man, who still lived with his mother?
7. Before Laura married Rob, she was a talented entertainer. What was her specialty?
8. Next door neighbor Jerry Helper provided us with much laughter on "The Dick Van Dyke Show". Which actor played Helper, and went on to direct many episodes in later seasons of the series?
9. Jerry and Millie Helper's son was Ritchie's playmate and best friend. Their son was named ___.
10. "The Dick Van Dyke Show" flourished from this CBS star's very own production company. This popular actor also played a devilish character in the science fiction inspired episode "It May Look Like a Walnut!". What was his name?
11. "The Ghost of A. Chantz" is more silly than scary. Where do Rob, Laura, Buddy, and Sally go, and end up being hilariously frightened?
12. Sally Rogers once had a brief romantic fling with a handsome guest star on "The Alan Brady Show". Who was the famous crooner?
13. "Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth" may possibly be one of the most memorable episodes of "The Dick Van Dyke Show". In this story, Laura lands in hot water after revealing a secret on national television about star Alan Brady. What slips from Laura's lips?

Take the Quiz at Braingle.com

Word of the Day : Detumescence

Posted: 12 Jun 2021 05:00 PM PDT


noun :: Diminishing or lessening of swelling.

"The patient had less pain after the detumescence of his wound."

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